Risk Analysis and Crisis Planning
Specializing in games and tech, Merewif can help you not only analyze the risk for your company, but create a comprehensive crisis management plan.
Less than 49% of companies have a crisis plan, almost a quarter aren’t sure they even have an informal plan.
We have helped manage crises for AAA game companies, to indie companies, to some of the biggest tech companies in the world. Let us help you be prepared!

We have than 20 years of experience in crisis communications on a global scale. From natural disasters, to product failures, to layoffs and data breaches, we have you covered.
Not only can we help you build a crisis communications plan, we provide specialized crisis comms training, on camera exercises, and response support.
In the middle of a crisis with no plan? We can help put the fires out!
Crisis Communications
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
We are the only comprehensive crisis management firm supporting the game industry. That means providing crisis off-ramping support in the form of after event reports and CISM.
CISM is a stress management program that combines pre-crisis preparation, stress education and post-event response to help people recover more quickly from abnormally stressful job-related incidents and trauma.

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